Wednesday, March 4, 2009

James Harrison's agent says, "We're struggling with this."

Bill Parise, the agent for Steelers LB James Harrison, said that there have been 3 proposals on the table and they are still pretty far apart. To me, it sounds like the salary cap strapped Steelers are submitting lowball offers.

"We're just not doing well," Parise said. "This is not going as well as it should or it could. Both sides are being challenged to get this accomplished.

"We clearly want to be here and stay here. James has a home here and family an hour-and-a-half away. I'm here, we love this and this is our goal. And our request is by no means a reach.

"We're not anywhere near Haynesworth numbers. We're nowhere near Ben's numbers. We're not asking for him to be the highest-paid Steelers player."

Doesn't sound real promising..but stay tuned.

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