The lone surviver that was rescued at sea was Nick Schuyler. Schuyler said that after the boat capsized, his friend, Will Bleakley, swam underneath the boat to retrieve the life jackets. Bleakley was a good swimmer and
decided he was the one that
could go under and find the jackets. Bleakley only found 3 life jackets and he brought a seat cushion back to the surface with him.

Given that Bleakley was a good swimmer, he gave the life jackets to the other three and kept the cushion for himself. Meanwhile, the 4 men started trying to formulate a plan. Supposedly, this was late afternoon on Saturday.
Approximately 4 hours later, one of the NFL players simply could not stand the situation any longer. Deciding to give up hope, he removed his life jacket and floated away to sea to die.
Only a few hours later, the remaining NFL player decided to follow suit and do the same thing. He too removed his life jacket, said goodbye, and floated away to sea to die.
Later that night, Will Bleakley thought that he could see lights off in the distance. Because of his good swimming abilities, he decided he was going remove his life jacket to try to swim to the lights. Schuyler said he believes that Bleakley was delusional to think he could swim that far.
Bleakley didn't make it.
Schuyler stayed with the boat for 46 hours before he was rescued. Had the other 3 men just stayed with the boat, they would have been rescued as well. They would still be alive today.
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