Monday, January 28, 2013

Pirates Greatest Need - Leadoff Hitter

The last great base stealer in the Pittsburgh Pirates organization was Lloyd McClendon. Unfortunately, he was the manager and is well known for literally stealing a base after arguing a call with an umpire.

The organization is quietly building a nice team, but the lack of a true leadoff hitter may prevent the team from taking the next step. Starling Marte is an up and coming star in left field, but he doesn't project to be a true leadoff hitter. He is a pure hitter with speed and is capable of driving in runs. Andrew McCutchen and Travis Snider are better suited for similar roles as Marte.

The infield features power hitting Pedro Alvarez, non-hitting Clint Barmes, Neil Walker, and Garrett Jones - None of which are leadoff hitters. Russell Martin should be an upgrade at catcher, but he certainly has no leadoff hitting capabilities.

Out of necessity, Starling Marte may be the Pirates leadoff hitter in 2013. This is not ideal, but the Pirates have no choice.

The club still has time to make a move over the off-season and they should seriously consider it. If you glance at the 2012 playoff teams, one commonality is a quality leadoff hitter. A great leadoff hitter can help generate an extra run or two in a game. An extra run or two every so often is the difference between a chronic below-.500 team and a team contending for the playoffs.

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