Monday, February 15, 2010

Steelers to Set Their Own Salary Cap

Even though the 2010 NFL season is going to be uncapped, the Steelers have decided to set their own salary cap.

Steelers Dir. of Operations, Kevin Colbert, said "We will operate as we always have. We will operate as if we have a cap. You don't know what you're going to be dealing with. First of all, no one's been in an uncapped year since 1993, so it's a whole different era and no one knows how this will play out. We don't know, if there is a new [labor] deal at any point, what the new rules are going to be".

I believe most teams in the league will take a similar approach. Nobody knows what the future of the NFL will look like and the two sides (NFL & players) do not appear anywhere near a new labor deal. The off-season will likely business as usual in Pittsburgh.

Steelers Contract Talks to Begin

The Pittsburgh Steelers are planning to begin negotiating with their top 3 priorities: Unrestricted free agents Casey Hampton, Ryan Clark, and Jeff Reed.

I have been saying for a very long time that the Steelers poor drafting would eventually catch up with the team. The time has come. The organization has been hitting the ball out of the park in the first round...However, the Steelers have missed on too many picks after the 1st round in 6 of the last 7 years.

The Steelers usually let free agents over 30 years old to sign with a team like the Redskins or Cowboys that are willing to over-pay for older free agents. Pittsburgh has always had enough organizational depth and players ready to slide into the starting vacancies created from letting the over-the-hill, over-priced free agents walk. Beacuse of the poor drafting, the Steelers will likely have to over-pay for guys that are passed their prime.

Don't get me wrong, Casey Hampton is still very capable and he does a great job stuffing running lanes in the 3-4 defense. Ryan Clark is a nice complement to Troy Polamalu as well. However, they are both very expensive and we have no choice but to sign them. We have nobody ready to step in!

Speaking of older vets, the organization is also interested in bringing Charlie Batch back to be the #3 QB. I do like this move. Batch is capable of playing in an emergency role, but he has become a great leader and almost another coach on the field for the black and gold. He will likely play for the vet minimum as well.